Scottish Sumalee fighters shine at Lumpinee & Thai Fight

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Scottish Sumalee fighters shine at Lumpinee & Thai Fight

By Mike Davis for Sumalee Media

Scottish Sumalee fighters shine at Lumpinee & Thai Fight

Last weekend marked another significant moment in the gym’s history, and the careers of our fighters. Jordan Coe was to make his debut at the legendary Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, and the day after Craig Dickson was due to make his third appearance at the world renowned THAI FIGHT series on Koh Samui island.

Such notable fights just a day apart the team would have to split up; with Jordan, Khru Jack, Sam and Dr Lynne Miller flying directly to Bangkok on the Thursday, and Craig, Ajarn Tuy and myself travelling by minibus and then ferry to Koh Samui. Jordan was due to have a same day weigh in at 57kg, whilst Craig has the slightly less stressful job of a day-before weigh in at 64kg.

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After a slightly perilous flight up to Bangkok for Team 1 due to bad weather conditions, they arrived safely and checked in. The following day heralded some unexpected news. Jordan’s American opponent, Dillon Croushorn fighting out of AKA Thailand, was struggling to make the required weight. An agreement was made that both parties were happy with and the fight was on.

Scottish Sumalee fighters shine at Lumpinee & Thai FightOn Koh Samui the Thai Fight crew members and fighters gathered for the press conference and weigh in. All went as planned with only a few fighters having to run a little extra to shave off the last few pounds. It was a star studded line up with some of the biggest names in Thailand on the fight card. Craig refuelled at the complimentary buffet and we headed back to our hotel for a little rest & relaxation, our phones at hand scanning for any news on Jordan.

Scottish Sumalee fighters shine at Lumpinee & Thai FightFor many nak muay a fight at Lumpinee Stadium is an honour and a privilege. For Jordan it was a lifelong dream and one that he had been fantasising about since he first started training Muay Thai. His elation was obvious from the moment he stepped in the ring, performing his now signature Isaan dance before the fight.

As the bell signalled Round 1 both fighters started with a steady pace, feeling each other out. Jordan seemed comfortable against the ropes, blocking most of Dillon’s attacks and countering well. In the next couple of rounds his determination became clear as he fired off his signature left kick and sweeping without mercy. Dillon’s attacks concentrated more on boxing and elbows but by Round 4 Jordan was controlling the fight and his high level of fitness was apparent. A thunderous left knee pushed through the American’s guard and he dropped to the canvas, the referee signalling the end of the fight almost instantly. Jordan exited the ring to a mob of punters all wondering “who is this kid?”

Scottish Sumalee fighters shine at Lumpinee & Thai FightOver on Koh Samui Team 2 was preparing for Thai Fight. We arrived early as Craig was starting the show at 5pm. Around 4pm the rest of the team showed up after a long journey and their familiar faces were a welcome sight. Although Craig’s fight wasn’t televised, by the time he made his entrance there wasn’t an empty seat in sight and the atmosphere was electric! The sun began it’s descent and, with a few final words of advice from Khru Jack, Craig walked to the centre of the stage.

Scottish Sumalee fighters shine at Lumpinee & Thai FightAs ‘Kard Chuek’ bouts were only three rounds Craig knew it would suit his style of fighting well. A knout bonus of 20,000 baht (around £400) for rounds 1 and 3 was also on the table, a decent prize for any fighter. The Scot got to work with his hands mostly in Round 1. Kong Samui was scoring well with his right leg and looking for the clinch, only to be pushed away by Craig.

Scottish Sumalee fighters shine at Lumpinee & Thai FightIn Round 2 our fighter started well with an early sweep and a couple of tidy kicks. Kong Samui was determined to tie him up in the clinch, knowing perhaps that he would have the upper hand, as most Thai’s do when clinching with a ‘farang’. Both fighters were showing marks of the battle at this point as the rope wraps were unforgiving and didn’t leave much room for error.

Scottish Sumalee fighters shine at Lumpinee & Thai FightHeading into Round 3 it was anyone’s game. Craig continued to throw steady combinations of punches, always looking for the opportunity for a knockout. The more experienced Kong had other ideas attempting to nullify Craig’s attacks in the clinch and launching some deadly elbows. The final bell rang and both fighters raised their hands and embraced for a moment with mutual respect. Kong Samui was declared the winner and started what was to be total domination for the black corner that evening.

Scottish Sumalee fighters shine at Lumpinee & Thai FightLumpinee Boxing Stadium

Jordan Coe Sumalee (Scotland) VS Dillon AKA Thailand (U.S.A) – Jordan WINS via Round 4 TKO


Craig Dickson Sumalee (Scotland) VS Kong Samui Lukjaoporongtom (Thailand) – Kong Samui WINS via Decision

Payak Samui Lukjaoporongtom (Thailand) VS Silman Zegnoun – Payak Samui WINS by Round 3 KO

Saenchai P.K. Saenchai Muay Thai Gym (Thailand) VS Matt Embree (Canada) – Saenchai WINS via Decision

Iquezang Kor. Rungthanakeat (Thailand) VS Marc Dass Ray (Spain) – Iquezang WINS via Round 3 KO

Tengnang Sitjesairoong (Thailand) VS Gaetan Dambo (France) – Iquezang WINS via Decision

Saiyok Pumphanmuang Windy Sport (Thailand) VS Yurik Davtyan (Russia) – Saiyok WINS via Round 3 KO

Yodsanklai Fairtex (Thailand) VS Hamish Willey (Northern Ireland) – Yodsanklai WINS via Rd 1 KO

Antoine Pinto (France) VS Matheus Periera Robin (Brazil) – Antoine WINS via Round 1 Disqualification

Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee (Thailand) VS Ramzi Nouainia (France) – Sudsakorn WINS via Round 3 TKO

Check out photos from both events on our Facebook Page here, or watch the full fight videos below.


Scottish Sumalee fighters shine at Lumpinee & Thai Fight

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