Sumalee & Scotland at the Queen’s Cup Phuket 2013

The Queens Cup, awarded by Her Majesty Queen Sirikit
The Queen’s Cup is an annual muay thai event held in Bangkok, Phuket and other sanctioned venues across Thailand. It celebrates the Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit, and is also the national Thai mothers day. Every year the Queens Cup celebrates female fighters within the sport by arranging WMC (World Muay Thai Council) sanctioned matches, many of which are for world titles.
This year, two Sumalee nak muay were asked to take part in the prestigious televised show at Bangla Boxing Stadium, Patong, Phuket. Amy Sharp was set to battle Lindsey Rawai Muay Thai for a WMC belt and Jordan “Deachkalek” Coe, the young protégé of Oron “Deachkalon”, jumped at the chance to represent Scotland. Sadly, Amy suffered an injury in her last week of training which meant she could not take part. The promoters, aware of what an exciting fighter Craig Dickson is, asked if he would like to compete and he of course agreed.
Craig Dickson was the fourth fight of the night. He faced a fighter/trainer who was certainly no stranger to the ring- Mungkornpet Dragon Muay Thai. The fight was televised live on T-Sport and drew a lot of attention from the packed stadium, cheering with every blow that was struck. Mungkornpet showed great control with his teeps, following up with vicious body kicks. Craig replied with all of his favourite weapons but couldn’t quite break through the defense of his experienced Thai opponent.
Jordan Coe was the final event of the night at Bangla. Despite some nerves from the young Scot prior to the fight, as soon as he enters the ring he is instantly relaxed. An entertaining pre-fight dance, adopted from Deachkalon Sumalee, was followed by an excellent fight. Jordan has shown technique and timing way beyond his years in his past fights, both in the UK and Thailand. On this occasion he also demonstrates a lot of power and gets his first win by KO in Round 3 with a big right hook!
The junior from Carnage Gym in Grangemouth Scotland certainly has a bright future ahead of him and we can’t wait to see it unfold. For the full photo albums, as well as more news on our fighters, head to our Facebook Page.